Yesterday was difficult. Plain and simple, I've been dealing with an Cyst on my left ovary that just started "leaking" according to my doctor. I mean really? What the hell does that mean besides it hurts. Put it in idiot terms for me. So not only am I going to be stuck in the fog that I'm in; you're also telling me I'm going to be in a bit of pain and to take some aspirin. I never quite understood why when it comes to feminine problems that there is this stigma that you're supposed to be strong all the time. That it is weak to show pain...especially about child birth. I've never been through child birth myself but I have had kidney stones and have also had cervical contractions. The contractions were due largely in part by the insertion of the new "Skyla" Birth control I had put in by my doctor. Apparently the nurses forgot to tell me by phone to take a pain medication before coming in because it was going to hurt. I wasn't told that they were going to have to dilate my cervix and that a possible reaction was cervix contractions that could last a week or more. Let me tell you, they did! I went to work, school, made dinner, tried to live life under the fog that I was supposed to be brave and fine. I was supposed to ignore the pain I was in. I called my mother (the wonderful woman that she is), she told me "Honey, I've had three kids I know how contractions feel". So with my heating pad, water bottle, fuzzy blanket, nook, and Netflix in tow I went to bed and stayed there for a while. I started to avoid any confrontation with anyone, just kept sleeping. Now mind you I was given a muscle relaxant which thankfully did it's job for the most part. I also had a hand to squeeze. We'll call him "R" for the sake of his privacy ( and he likes the movie Warm Bodies"). R has been the calm after the storm, and during. I take a lot of my frustrations and pain out on him and don't even realize it until after the episode is over with. He didn't even mind when I would wake him up at 3:00 in the morning squeezing his arm, butt, or shoulder...whatever I could grab to alleviate some of the pain I was feeling. Fortunately I have been told that my Angry Uterus has finally accepted my Skyla. Unfortunately during the ultra sound to check if it was accepted they had apparently found the leaking. The Ultra Sound technician was nice when I walked in the room and was telling me I never had to worry about filling my bladder because I have a retroverted and retroflexed uterus. Well that was good news I laughed, no more having to pace in the busy waiting room full of water up to my eyes! Then the technician got a little quiet and was just focusing on her job. Later the doctor was asking me if I had pain or any odd symptoms. *A little side note* I am a huge doctor butter-upper as my mother calls me. She always tells me I put on the biggest bravest face and always water down my problems. So naturally I said "Well I have been having pain but I just attributed it to my PCOS and cranky ovaries". The doctor smiled and told me she was going to show me and R my ultra sound. I don't know about you, but when I look at an ultra sound...I seriously have no idea what I am looking at. She tried explaining to us what was going on and told me that I have two bigger cysts on both ovaries and the nonchalant little ones here and there. Okay I knew about the two bigger ones and had exploratory and possible removal of them (that never happened). Well apparently with this new birth control it might have started shrinking and "popping" the cysts I guess. I mean at least that's what I got out of the conversation. So while it sounds scary and is painful it's a small blessing in disguise, if it doesn't get infected. So we wait...
~ As always I am not a doctor, nor a medical professional. I am a fighter of PCOS and here to offer my advice, support, and graphics. ~
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